Tuesday, April 30, 2013

A poem for my wife
Time is a funny thing
running away
all the time
crossing meadows
jumping seas
desert and the woods
stopping never
in your tracks
waiting upon
none at all
i have chased it
day and night
over the hills
and under the seas
above the cloud
and within my fist
the sand slips
and water seeps
in to the ground
the seed sprouts
and the bark
dry and shriveled
comes to life
the brook sings
over the pebbles
the bird picks
a note in the beak
time is funny
running away
in to the void
the spaces remain
within my heart
time doesn't
fill them though

Monday, April 29, 2013

حبسہ دمس ما پوراں اوس
دروازو دت پانے تارئ
کوچہ گلس پیٹھ کستاں اوس
بانن منز تئم باگر دگ
دادین یی اکھ درماں اوس

تل پا تالے کھئتمئت ناگ
دود ہ تالاوا گریکواں اوس
وتھ چھنہ زیٹھاں شاہ لوساں
ملہ پئٹ کستاں ڈالاں اوس
قدمن تس اوس مدون شونکھ
ہرننہ ژھالے ژھالاں اوس
چشمن آسس سونتچ آش
وندہ راژنمنز پرزلاں اوس
گاہ اوس تراواں سینہ تسند
وصلک یتہ اکھ امکاں اوس
تھئکمت تئمسند ٹائر تلئن

اسہ پیٹھ یتہ بوڈ ایحساں اوس...............دویم قسط
Rath haz wen kath ows prarun.........
پش اوسا کنہ اسماں اوس
اپزوی مپزوی کیا تاں اوس
گر کر درایوس کینہہ چھنہ یاد
توشس منز کیا ساماں اوس
صبحے اوسن تلمت شور
بلبل کتھ پیٹھ نالاں اوس
سدرس منز باگ ٹھہرتھ ناو
تتھ منز کس تاں انسا ں اوس
آنس برونہہ کنہ ا بہتھ
یس کانہہ تتہ اوس حاراں اوس
لر لور نپہ نپہ شہرس زن
گاما کن زون واراں اوس
مہرین پراراں مہرازس
دروازس پیٹھ زاںپاں اوس
yi haz heki jaari ti ruzith....
when I turn
he runs away
this goes on and on
it is either him
or me
in the mirror.
i know for sure
he lives in there
within a vastness
within the expanse
a universe
within the frame
but on cue
all is held back
hidden behind
an emptiness
a void
to hold me in
to flatter my ego.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Some recent poems 

on my morning walk today
i met a bird 
he said nothing
but flew with me
keeping pace 
with my walk
all the way
from centaur
to the hill
the lake
there in the woods
he took the flight
up above the trees
leaving me
there waving my arin thin air.

leaping flames every night rise up from my bed
touch the timber on the ceiling
knock at the wooden roof
and then retract on to their roots
enter my quilt and saunter in to my dreams

that bird will come back
i have been told
his nest is warm
his chicks are cold
he has to cross
the sky on fire
leaping flames
kiss his feather
sing his plume
his wings mighty jets, up there
plough on, digging up the air
fire everywhere

green and cold the morning air
hill is listless, lake is dumb
birds have taken to wing
on way back to summer lands
tourists in their furry caps
and long coats
I am walking all alone.

poets have disappeared
in to the meadows
and melted in to the clouds
over the high hills
no songs will now ever
reverberate in the valleys

yet again
the same question
and yet again
the same reply
no reply

(ayaz rasool nazki )