Wednesday, November 07, 2012


اشعار تازہ
دو کناروں کے بیچ بہتا میں
اب نہ دریارہا نہ صحرا میں
تھا تو پانی اتر ہی جانا تھا
آخری پیڑ پر نہ چڑھتا میں
وہ تو آنسو بہاءے تھے مجنوں
ایک قطرہ نہیں تھا دریا میں
 لوگ آپس میں سب شناسا ہیں
اپنی بستی میں ایک تنہا میں
خواب میں رات تجھ کو دیکھا تھا
ساتھ تیرے تھا چلبلا سا میں
ایاز رسول نازکی

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


سمندر میں رہنے کا یارا نہ تھا
جزیرے  پہ  رہنا  گوارا نہ تھا
کتابوں میں لکھا ہے کیا کیجیے
میرا قرض اس نے اتارا نہ تھا
بدن پر لپیٹا تھا اس نے بدن
کھلا تھا مگر آشکارا نہ تھا
کرن کوئ پھوٹی تو باطن سے تھی
شب تار میں ایک تارا نہ تھا
تیرے دھیان سے ہم جو غافل ہوءے
کبھی ایک لمحہ گزارا نہ تھا

Sunday, September 02, 2012

asi wot

اسہ ووت
اسہ ووت
کوتاہ کال
لیکھاں مہمل
بییہ بکواس
پرانین رازن
ہندی وسواس
پرانین رانین
ہندی تلواس
 کلی شیہجارن
منز باگ ہاپت
پادر سہہ
پراراں کمزورن
راتک انہ گوٹ
تارکھ نب بییہ
سریس لار
اسہ ووت سمیاہ
asi wot
kutah kal
lekhan mahmal
beyi bakwas
pranen razan
hend waswas
pranen ranen
hend talwas
kuil shehjaran
manz bag hapat
padar seh
praran kamzoran
ratuk ani got
tarakh nab beyi
siryas laar
asi wot samyah

after fire...

نارہ نیرتھ
ہنگہ منگہ لوگ یوہ بونین نار
مولو پیٹھہ گییہ گوڈنی ظاہر
پتہ گییہ وولاں، شولاں ریہہ
تل پاتالے کھوت ادہ ہیور ہیور
عرش معلے ناری نار
نارء لمبکھ آسی نارء مہلی آسی
زگتس پھہلییو گاشی گاش
گھیرا تراوتھ نارس ائندی ائندی
آسی قلندر رقص کراں
جوگیا اکھ اوس اند کن سونچان
لونچین پننین ژھانڈ دوان
ہتہ بدی گلی تے موچھہ مورتھ
وژھمژی-دانی عطر اکھ
سوے ییلہ تھاونی چلمے اندر
پیٹھہ ادہ تھونس نارہ برگ کیہنہ
سوروی پرزلیوو--اوند پوک مُشکیوو
نارن لوب زن وچھُِہ منزہ
نورُک سرود
اکِہ اکِہ ساری آے قلندر
داماہ، ادہ یس یوت بِتُر اوس
اکھ یا بییہ اکھ
اکِہ برونہہ تتِہ چھینہ کانسی گریند
صبحے صبحے وُچھ اتِہ خلقو
جوگیا نیتھہ نون
سوروی سُور
گامس پھرمتی روتلی ژُور

nare neerith
hange mange log yawe bonyan nar
mulav pethe gayi godni zahir
patte gayi wolan sholan reh
tal patalai khot ade hyor hyor
arshi mialla narie naar
nare lambakh aes , naare muhil aes
zagtas phelyov gashi gash
ghera travith naras aend aend
aes qalander raqs karan
juigya akh ows andkun sonchan
lunchen pannen chhaend diwan
hati baed guil beyi mochhe moorith
wachmech daen atter
sui yeli thaeven chilme ander
pethe ade thaevnas nare barag kihn
sorui prazliyov, ond pok mushkyov
naran lob zan wachhi manze nooruk srod
aki aki saeri aai qalander
damah, ade yas yut bitur ows
akh ya beyi akh
aki brohn tati chhane kaensi grend
subhai subhai wuchh ati khalqav
juigya neth non surie suur
gamas phirmet ratel chur.

Monday, August 27, 2012


little children 
from the village 
come to the mawas
for a splash in the midday heat
their little fair limbs
beat the waves
jumping up and going down
joys of childhood !
i watch from my window
and pray for this generation
and the next and next
let them have their childhood
oh lord!
i sense a moment 
over my shoulder
there he stands
looking ahead
above my head 
across the mawas
in to the woods
over the mountain
keeping a vigil
for the bears 
that roam around
and waylay little children
of the village 

and he came

he promised
he will come again
another day
and then he will
share his wisdom
on the issues
i had raised
i waited all day
and the night
watching the lane
between the willows
on either side
roses over the hedge
and off course
the mawas 
winding down
along the lane
i spread the piece of
freshly woven
carpet  on the steps
for his feet to touch
i cooked the rice
in the earthen pot
over the hearth of
mud freshly laid
i cooked the hakh
green with chillies
i put the yoghurt
in his cup
and then
he came
not galloping on a steed
not being driven in a chariot
pulled by a score of horses
yet he came
descending like the rain
drop by drop and torrent by torrent
drenching the soil
in my lawn
seeding it with divine shrubs
the mali said''sir this  the,
turf is unknown here'
where from did you import this''
the rice in the earthen bowl
the fresh yoghurt in the cup
and the green hakh
i fed him with my hand.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


it all began in a jiffy
a cloud appeared above my head
a thunder blew under my feet
a lightening struck around my chest
amid a deafening downpour
someone called me by some name
and before i could
 the door opened
and there he was
all drenched and soaked in rain
water dripping in torrents
from his brow
i touched his face
held his hands
touched his feet
they were dry
warm and supple
like that of the baby
isaiah my grandson
his eyes shone
like diamonds
his brow with brilliance
radiated light
we sat there
through the night
i sang to him
my clumsy poems
and he laughed
and laughed
a hearty laugh
it reverberated
in the mountains
and roze up
in to the skies.

sand and mountain

sand is
slips between the fingers
shifts under the feet
never trust sand
and make castles
never draw
dreams over
this page
either on the
river bank
or in the expanse
of a desert
 but the mountain speaks
the word of the Lord
 in the blowing wind
in the rustle of leaves
it speaks to me
of the distant stars
it speaks to me
of departed souls
it speaks to me
of the muse
sitting on a moonlit night
on the bank of  mawas 
composing hymns to Lord
and odes to the pretty dame
carrying a bale of hay
on her rounded head
and dancing with each step
a new dance
a new mudra 
the mountain keeps
my company
through the night.
with the first light
it falls silent
it watches
the world go by
keeping to itself
so do I
(ayaz rasool nazki )

i know

it was a dream
like real
in the foot of mahadev
i stood alone
watching the paddy fields
green and sparkling
then they came
few men wearing robes
looking around
moving about
searching for something
and then they said
''she has chosen
the blessed spot,
here she will make her camp''
a rectangular piece of land
was then marked
i stood in awe
not knowing
what was on, till eternity seemed to pass
and then some one came to me
''look sir, she will only listen to you
how can she spend the night in the open,
unprotected? will you then plead with her
to give up this thought ?''
I did go with them
there she was
a dazzling moon
bedecked bride
loveliest of  fairies
in her best
descended from heavens
 ethereal and pure''
i did entreat her
on behalf of the men,
but she in no mood to oblige,
till at last i offered her my little hut
on the stream
and she agreed
to perform her night long puja
there instead........
who was she ?
i asked the men , the devotees with her....
did they say?
only i know.

but you say....

mountain is a mountain
how can it be a friend
how can it share your thoughts
but you say, it talks to you
calls you aloud
and in whispers in the dead of night
when world sleeps
tells of times past
of kings and queens
of sages and hermits
of wars and love
of passion and intrigue.......
mountain is a mountain
ask any geologist
he will tell you
it's worth
of rocks and granite
of minerals and ore
of water and gold
all things in its bossom
the wisdom
of knowing
the history
of witnessing....
but you say........


time has come
to pick up things
scattered on the floor
put them in to a bag
shut the window
on the stream
lock the door
move out
and drive away
leaving behind
a cloud of dust
and little children
bathing in the stream
women with baskets of dung
on their heads
gossiping men on the corner
under the tree
and chirping birds
on the bark
(ayaz rasool nazki)

Saturday, July 28, 2012

naat kashmiri

حقانی صابنس نعتس
پوشہ پھلیا چھیہ گژھاں نظرِ
سیکستانس منز
دراو کُس تام طلب گار رسول عربی
سونتہ پرتو چِھ پیواں
بالہ تھنگین پیٹھ صبحے
بخ بیداربہ دیدار رسول عربی
واوہ رینگاہ چھیہ یواں
مشک ژھٹاں زنتہ تئمس
برانتی گوو
زلفِ طرحدار رسول عربی
تا ابد مشک ژھٹاں روزہ یہ نام اقدس
وُچھ پھولاں
از تہ چُھ گلزار رسول عربی
گلی گنڈتھ از تہ
کشیری چھیہ تئمس ہی، مسول
ڈل نواں از تہ چُھ پمپوش
بہ دربار رسول عربی
گوو جہاں تازہ بہ روخسار رسول عربی
روٹ گلو مشک بہ گفتار رسول عربی

'خراج ۔۔عبدا لاحد نادم 

نعت نبی صلعم
کژئ دوہ ووتم سوچان سکھران
بہ تہ حض لیکھ ہا نعت نبی
پریتھ دوہ صبحے کھسونہِ سریہ چہ
زژہ چھس سومبران ھلمو ھلمو
شامس تامتھ
اِمنیی اکہ اکہ نورہ قلم چھس
گرئ گرئ تھاواں
پتہ چھس پھیران راتس کن زون
زونِہ ہنزِ میلہ وارہ منزہ چھس کھالاں
نورہ کین قلمن اکِہ اکِہ برئ برئ تھاواں میل
کاگز بدلے
مشرق مغرب
صبُحک نب چھس

اتھ چھس لیکھان سرنامس پیٹھ نعت نبی
نورہ قلم چھس نبہ کس کاگز ورقس پیٹھ ادہ پھروان ہوش رچھتھ
نورئ نور
نورئکی گیسو، نورُک ڈیکہ پھول ،نورئ چشمن ،نورکئ ابرو، نورکئ مژگاں ،نورکئ لب، نورچئ بینی ،روخسارن پیٹھ
نورئ نور
ریش مبارک نورئ نور۔
کژئ دوہ ووتم سوچان سکھران
بہ تہ حض لیکھہ ہا نعت نبی
****مکہ کے شاہا مدنی ماہا /اسہ گوژھ گٹہ منز گاہا چون
خراج۔۔۔۔ثنا اللہ کریری
نعت نبی
کولِہ گوو ہنگہ منگہ گرز از کم
پچ پچ صبحن باسیو لوت
کلی تہریو پیٹھی آے سونر
کتجیو دیدریو ہوو نہ روے
کمی تام ووننم بالہ تھنگین
ما سن پیومت زنتے شین
وندہ کالن ما اون تشریف
بتھ چھم پراراں کٹھی کوش
منلِس پن پن گومت اوژھ
ژھیے چھم گامژ پورہ زدل
دار بر الران لبہ ویسراں
''تھر پھیر زردی بر گیہ پوش
ہردنی واون نیونم ہوش
بلبلن ژلنک کور سنبھال
رحمتکہ نبیو وچھ میون حال'''

Friday, June 22, 2012

..سایا بر سایہء دیوار نہ جانے کیاتھا
بام پر بر سر پیکار نہ جانے کیا تھا
اوس کے ساتھ چھتوں پر تھی اداسی کیسی
واقعہ کوئ گراں بار نہ جانے کیا تھا
بھاو لگنے سے بھی پہلے ہی بکا تھا کیسے
آج سودا سر بازار نہ جانے کیا تھا
نام کس نے یہ پکارا تھا ہمارا پھر سے
کوئ جادو کوئ گفتار نہ جانے کیا تھا
رات بھر آہ و بکا اس کی نے سونے نہ دیا
جیسے وحشی تھا گرفتار نہ جانے کیا تھ

Saturday, June 02, 2012


وہی شام ہے وہی آبجو
وہی کاخ و کو وہی ہاوہو
جو نہیں ہے تیرا سراغ ہے
جو نہیں ہے میری ہے آرزو
یہ جو پیڑ ہیں کوہ طور ہیں
یہ ہجوم ہے جو طیور ہیں
کہیں ان میں کویی کلیم ہے
سبھی طایراں ہیں جو خوش گلو
وہی شام ہے وہی آبجو
وہی کاخ و کو وہی ہاوہو

وہی شام درد کی ہے پڑی
وہی آنسووں کی لگی جھڑی
وہی دل کہ اب بھی اداس ہے
وہی یار اب بھی ہے تند خو
وہی شام ہے وہی آبجو
وہی کاخ و کو وہی ہاوہو

وہی رات سر پہ جو آیی ہے
وہی تیرگی ہے جو چھایی ہے
وہی آسمان ہے بے بصر
میری آنکھ ڈھونڈے ہے چارسو
وہی شام ہے وہی آبجو
وہی کاخ و کو وہی ہاوہو

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

غزل۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ایاز رسول نازکی

زلزلے کب یہاں نہیں آتے
لوگ پھر بھی مکاں بناتے ہیں
ہم زمیں پر کھڑے تو ہیں لیکن
روز اک آسماں بناتے ہیں
ماں سے لے کر دعا وں کے دھاگے
دھوپ میں سایباں بناتے ہیں
بجلیاں کوندتی ہیں طایر بھی
ہر گھڑی آشیاں بناتے ہیں
اپنے قدموں کے نقش کا نقشہ
راہ میں کارواں بناتے ہیں
ایک بلبل بہار لاتی ہے
چار گل  گلستاں بناتے ہیں
پھر غزل خواں ایاز ہوتے ہیں
دیکھیے کیا سماں بناتے ہیں

Sunday, May 27, 2012

tukh kashmiri

کینژن دوان ناوِ روژھ تار
کینژن دوان ناوی نار
کینژن کنڈین نیراں پوش
کینژن ارکھور در گلزار

gazal kashmiri

غزل۔۔۔۔۔ایاز رسول نازکی
غزلاہ پراں ایاز دوہے  واہ وا  تہ کر
شارن مہ سن ژ توتہ تمس مرحبا تہ کر
آبس اندرچھہ ژانگئ دزاں شاہ کھساں وساں
خابس اندر ژ پان تمس پیٹھ فدا تہ کر
ماشوق چانہِ دستِ شفا دادئ لد بلاں
دوہس پیٹھیئ مہ تھاو تمس دپھ دعا تہ کر
کُس چانہ شوقہ دراو دِواں نار پتھ ونن
مجراہ تمس ژ  دکھنہ  مگر مرحبا تہ کر
پانس اندر ژ از تہ بناوکھ نہ نوو زگت
موجود آسہ  وُنہ تِہ اگر کیہنہ فنا تہ کر
سودُر چھہ وکھ یہ پژاں کانسہ نو ایاز
اصلس مہ سن تہ سود یِہ واتی ادا تہ کر

Friday, May 25, 2012


غزل۔۔۔۔۔۔ایاز رسول نازکی
بازرس منز نہ اکھ دکاں خالی
سانِہ بستی ُچھ پریتھ مکاں خالی
دانِہ لُونکھ تہ آ ے ِتم ہالو
اس چِھہ واوس وں گیج گنڈاں خالی
شینہ موٹھ اکھ نہ حض سپزدریاف
بالہ تینتالہ اس وساں خالی
چھاپہ تراوَن تہ خاب ساری ِنن
چشمہ ساریے چھ وین گژھاں خالی
ناو نوزک نہ بار ویتراواں
تارء ڈینٹِھم خلق تراں خالی
کتجِہ ووننم ژہ چھوئ ییتی روزن
اسِہ چُھ از کل کرن مکاں خالی
ووتھ سا نیُرن ژیہ توتہ چھوی جنگس
تیر ِنیہے ژیہ چھے کماں خالی

Monday, May 14, 2012

Up Town Kashmir

glass windows
for the blind

high ceilings
for the  dwarf

wide roads
for closed minds

huge mansions
for small men

(ayaz rasool nazki)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Down Town Kashmir

they had
latticed windows

they had

they had
low ceilings

they had

they had
narrow lanes

they had
open minds
(ayaz rasool nazki)

Saturday, May 12, 2012


i am not writing
any poem today
i am in the
valley of kashmir.

ہر سوختہ جانے کہ بہ کشمیر در آید
گر مرغ کباب است با بال و پر آید

Thursday, May 10, 2012

I am

deep inwards
i close my eyes
my ears are opened
 plugging them
i see a vast expanse
of black light
not allowing
a ray of white light
to come in
through any slit in the door
 any chink in the window
the vast expanse
of dark luminescence
grows brighter
and brighter
till at last
my senses
can not take
any more
about to break
i hold on the latch
tight and firm

then there inside
the chaste pure womb
of nothingness
a black-blue spot
takes shape
it expands
it spreads
it takes an orange hue
till at last
i am no more
in my body
in my soul
i am when
i am not
(ayaz rasool nazki)

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

Lines in the Palm

the lines on the palm
of my hand
said nothing,
i asked them
on every turn on the road
right or left?
and now
when i have
reached the mountain peak
and am to touch the sky
with my hand
the lines in the palm
speak to me
'we knew all along the way-
you didn't ask'.
(ayaz rasool nazki)

Sunday, May 06, 2012

It does'nt care

it doesn't  care

it comes in
of it's own accord
in the dead of night
in the scorching sun
never knocking at the door
there it is,
behind the curtain
stretched across
 the white floor,
there on the shelf
hiding in the  closet
winking through the mirror,
rocking in the  chair
fiddling with the books,
rummaging through the drawers
switching on the lights
playing with the paper weight
round and round
on the table top
humming under the breath
till it descends through
my pen .
(ayaz rasool nazki)

Thursday, May 03, 2012


i closed my eyes
looked inwards
it was dark
un blemished darkness
no spot
no crevice
un interrupted
sea of darkness
no contours
no edges
no angles
void and wide
i opened my eyes
rays upon rays
kissing the window panes
touching the carpet
and spreading around
enclosing my frame
my hallowed being
like a devta
on the calendar
emitting light
but not a ray
entering me
my darkness
virgin chaste pure
a fairy maiden
awaiting union
(ayaz rasool nazki)

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Lessons in Life

he taught me to see beyond
the ordinary and mundane
a ray holds galaxies
teeming with suns
a drop holds
in the unseen
a grain
hides deserts
in its chest
he taught me
so many things
i the keen learner
intense listener
walked the ropes
i learnt all
he taught me
what i did not,
he never said
that galaxies
shrink in to rays
that seas
wind up in to drops
and deserts
roll back in to grains
(ayaz rasool nazki)

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

When the Rain comes

fragrances  dissolve in air
 spread around in the garden
 go out in to the street
 they can not change
 the politics of the place
bees set out with the first light
in search of flowers in the meadow
collecting nectar in their tiny frames
and the queen sits all day
doing nothing
that is how it is,
again i digress
my thoughts wander away
in search of a meadow
full with flowers
i am no bee
i am no bird
i am no tree
do not nest on my branch
do not sit under my wing
when the rain comes
(ayaz rasool nazki, pic @arn)

Monday, April 30, 2012

My Poems

my poems are not mine
they come to me from the void
i am a greedy old man

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Words won't listen

why do you descend upon me
in this dark and lonely night
when not a soul stirs
when not a leaf moves
when not a bird chirps
when not a bee hums
this oppressive silence
knots within my chest
and yet you choose to torment me
you with your tiny wings
flutter around my open eyes
you with your pointed beaks
scratch my scalp
you with your rounded limbs
nudge me on
words! tonight i cant write
why don't you ,once in a while
leave me alone.
but i know
words won't listen
(ayaz rasool nazki)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Flood Gates

Flood gates
there was a whiff
a sigh or a whisper,
there was something
in the evening air,
 that hit me hard
and knocked my senses out,
i had over the eons
believed that it was over,
it was pass and it was gone,
the nagging pain in my heart
the aching in my chest
it was gone.
life had moved on
the birds had taken to flight
and gone over the firmament
in to un known lands
seeds had been sown over and over again,
crops had ripened and come under the sickle
again and again
seasons had come in a long chain
of light and shade ,of heat and cold.
I had settled to my chores
i had adjusted to my life
all had finally turned out well
but the wind that blew a million times
blew a different shade today,
the light that shone a thousand days
sparkled a different ray today,
some where deep in the bossom
a lock was unlocked
and the doors were flung open
the flood gates came crashing
sinking my last of the boats
and tossing me away
in to the tempest
away from shores.
(ayaz rasool nazki)
(with a Van Gogh  painting courtesy manshoor)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

River of Silence

Come and sit beside me
on the cushion of soft sand
on the bank of this river,
the river of silence
the invisible tides
are fuming and fretting
with rage
tossing their heads on rocks
and crushing the hapless fish
between the rolling stones
i can see this all
within the confines of solitude
come and share all my dreams
all my visions
in the dark
light is my friend
absence of darkness
and voices ,
are a digression
in silence;
pebbles thrown by a
naughty child
on the placid water's face,
ripples do not last that long
ripples are not there to stay
with each succeeding ripple
its strength wanes
till it finally dies down
and the calm is restored
(ayaz rasool nazki)                              (@manshoor)

Me......a short poem kashmiri

بہ---اکھ لوکٹ نظم
کینژھا کژھیم آبس آب
کینژھا گژھیم واوس واو
کینژھا گژھیم خاکس خاک
پتھ کیا روزِ تہِ زانہ دے
پتھ کیا روزِ تی چُھنہ پے
دہہ رینگا اکھ کھسہِ ہیور کن
ُسہ ِتہ گژھِ آخر شنیا بُزئ
 زیرِس پیٹھ کنہِ کُن زون ژونگ
کمرس منز باگ پراران کس
تیلہ جویا یُس تراویس نوئ
سویتھ یُس زن کھالیس ہیور
بییہ یُس ہاویس دزونئ تُج

Me.....a short poem
some  water will mingle with water
some  air will disperse with the air
and some as soil will mix with soi:
what is left only God knows
what is left is un known,
a whiff of smoke will rise up
that too will be lost in space,
an earthen lamp on the stand all alone
in the middle of room awaits
someone who will
feed it oil afresh,
spruce up its worn out wick
and show it a lighted matchstick.
(translation from kashmiri: ayaz rasool nazki)

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Shamas Faqir....CONTD..4

my place is behind the veil of pain
the queen will come out and play the game
my place is behind the veil of pain
why was my heart,
the heart of a simple being enamored:
my place is behind the veil of pain
look at the dust on the book of destiny ,
love has put a sheen on beloved's face,
this was embroidered on the tunic of my heart:
my place is behind the veil of pain
you shall reap in the autumn,
what you sow in the spring.
meditate and keep on humming,
the lover is scared of
neither heat nor cold:
my place is behind the veil of pain
what would one know of it,
be him a child or a man grown
who has not suffered the scalding of love,
when to offers his head to some one?
my place is behind the veil of pain
Shamas Faqir traversed the whole universe
praying to Lord for eternal life
sitting at home and repeating the word:
my place is behind the veil of pain
(translation:ayaz rasool nazki)

Shamas Faqir....CONTD..3

When shall that simpleton see the light?
(Shamas Faqir)
If you are wise, introspect within:
When shall that simpleton see the light?
how do I blame that gardener,
flower plants were sown
and nettle has grown
I watered it and it has bitten me:
When shall that simpleton see the light?
deceiver himself gets deceived,
for him the noon turns in to night.
what would a pauper light a hearth for:
when shall that simpleton see the light?
don’t waste your counsel on devils lad,
consider him to be base at base
emancipation is not for a dirty core:
when shall that simpleton see the light?
the one who jumps in to the ocean of love,
to cleanse his self shall realize
meem,alif and lam
I woud snatch the pearl of realization from his hand:
When shall that simpleton see the light?
Shamas, the mad seeks the true Lord,
Allah let my name live forever.
to eat away the moon,
immature ascended the sky:
when shall that simpleton see the light?
(translation:ayaz rasool nazki)

Saturday, March 03, 2012

Shamas Faqir....CONTD..2

(shamas faqir)
i see everywhere my friend
not a hair breath without,
come i will tell you the secret of secrets
do not be un attentive
in a moment it came to me
i heard it under the wings of my heart
care and attention are preferred
for up, the down is also pride
you dive in to the unity
you will find the king
if alive you be , alive you die
go on playing as a child
the sea is deeper than the deep
how would blind fathom the vast
not easy to comprehend the meaning
only wise may do
tear away the garments of not being
you will know your name
the goblet with wine empty
in the supplication i saw ,
existence and vision disappear
this secret alone remained
and it is not wrapped in drapes
how do i tell you its worth
even dead the lover lived
you shamas make this happen
in case you you seek
(translation: ayaz rasool nazki)

Friday, March 02, 2012

Shamas Faqir....CONTD

I have been united with you
(Shamas Faqir)

since the moment you burnt me
in the fire of love,
i have been united with you
since the time ,i heard your word
i have been united with you
me, a log of sandalwood
brought down from the woods,
you with love’s axe
chopped it in to pieces,
the burden of trust
is now on me,
i have been united with you
neither a believer nor a non- believer
neither of pedigree nor of high virtue,
you in a jiffy took my heart and faith
from me
i have been united with you
i sighted you over the harmokh
in seven curves you the colorful
became visible ,
the colorless, I couldn’t gather
i have been united with you
Shamas Faqir entered the black
drinking the elixir of eternity
again and again,
drinking that which was revealed
i have been united with you
(translation: ayaz rasool nazki)
pic:Autar Mota's blog

Thursday, March 01, 2012

The most special...(shamas faqir)

The Most Special among specials
(Shamas faqir)
Him and His attributes are one
The Most Special among specials
look for Him always, He has no interruptions
The Most Special among specials
Sealing all six directions, sixth sense awakens
that nod is for the wise
this is the promise made to me by the
wine seller
The Most Special among specials
I burnt the sandalwood
and melted gold
the master put it to touchstone,
In the market place it lost faith
The Most Special among specials
the fire of love burnt my body
the glare of sun went in to my eyes
exaltation after death,
is the life for the seeker
The Most Special among specials
streams issue from the river
river drifts within the drop
this commoners do not know
The Most Special among specials
Shamas Faqir! Drink the elixir of eternity
that is the life of perfect ones
may you then be with the pure
The Most Special among specials
(Translation :ayaz rasool nazki)

The most special...(shamas faqir)

The Most Special among specials
(Shamas faqir)
Him and His attributes are one
The Most Special among specials
look for Him always, He has no interruptions
The Most Special among specials
Sealing all six directions, sixth sense awakens
that nod is for the wise
this is the promise made to me by the
wine seller
The Most Special among specials
I burnt the sandalwood
and melted gold
the master put it to touchstone,
In the market place it lost faith
The Most Special among specials
the fire of love burnt my body
the glare of sun went in to my eyes
exaltation after death,
is the life for the seeker
The Most Special among specials
streams issue from the river
river drifts within the drop
this commoners do not know
The Most Special among specials
Shamas Faqir! Drink the elixir of eternity
that is the life of perfect ones
may you then be with the pure
The Most Special among specials
(Translation :ayaz rasool nazki)

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Shamas Faqir

SHUNYAH.......translating Shamas Faqir
beyond the nothingness
was my nest
the fire of love burnt it down
a swinging cradle with chimes was hung
in the filled
hearing the jingling i stepped in
within the totality i enjoyed the stroll in the garden
i was shown the flower in full bloom
the unknown in a moment called out to me
began to profess his love
the guide told me a while ago
world is a crow wedding party
joined me with the wind
and showed me the special and routine
saw mountains and hills on fire
spotted water in a stream
the green turf hid the snare,the net
i was enmeshed my friend
the crow went with the news to the owl
the happy one has been trapped
if you see him you will know
the road to there is slippery
hearing this the owl bowed his head down
he lost his own being
crow came with this to the razhoonz
how much ruckus did he raise
trapped i was in a daze
in reality was i wise
ignoring real went for apparent
material has to destroy
i was the king over the heights
fate plunged me down
black surma put in to my eyes
the enemy turned upon me
i had a look from my height
and lost the one pearl i had
the friend burnt my pearl string to ash
i shook the fire"s hand
the wine seller gave me a word
simpleton you be not ,you are the boss
kin and the stranger both be same
expend millions of thousands
reaching that place i saw seven springs
the spring beyond had the purest of water
sandalwood forest had idrees
grafting undertaken by ilyaas
i sifted the ocean
the pearl string i brought up to the bank
there the khazir said to me
you will be blinded ,stop
shamas faqir,happening and bearing
one only knows who suffers
new and old both are valued
the shroud be of silk

Sunday, February 26, 2012


There Lay The City
Ms. Pixy was in a rage. How could they do such a thing? She had sought an audience with the chief. After all the state had enshrined the principle of rights of species and their protection and conservation in the constitution of the state. Then how could a local chieftain order the mauling and hunting that was held in the name of sport?
She met the chief in his official quarters. The chief was very attentive to the points raised by the activist. He assured her that he would order an enquiry and take all steps necessary to safeguard, protect and preserve the endangered species. He was convinced on the need to make concerted efforts to increase general awareness towards these issues. Ms. Pixy was very happy to enlist the support of the chief in her work. She on her part gave a detailed power point presentation, highlighting the programs, she had launched in recent times to ensure the safety of the threatened species.
The chief however jocularly referred to some over enthusiastic academics who were going about spreading falsehoods regarding the past and claiming that the species in question had ever been ruling the city and that we, the best among the species, the canines lived in service to these wretched humans. The chief conveyed his total disapproval of such theories which would if allowed to go unchecked create confusion in the population and lead to instability. The chief advised Ms. Pixy to keep her work miles away from these so-called wise ones.
The facts enumerated by the chief in support of his assertions were based on truth and not falsehood.
The chief referred to the life in the city and compared it with the situation in the fringe where entire population consisted of these wild humans. With a broad smile on his face and a wink in his eye he told Ms. Pixy to launch some kind of an awareness campaign in those areas about cleanliness, civic sense and social etiquettes. “Look at those areas, and see those clogged drains, see the filth and dirt on the streets, the cesspools of dirt’ ‘the chief started on his favorite subject. ‘Tell me, Ms. Pixy, how can we stop these humans from creating so much of filth around themslves? The chief wanted to get some response to his queries. Sensing that the chief was in a mood to prolong the meeting, Ms. Pixy cleared her throat and looking tenderly towards the chief said’ ‘what I believe is that these animals need our compassion and understanding, they are very vulnerable. They are not as strong as we are, they aren’t even as intelligent as we are, therefore they create all the mess around their lives, chief.’
The meeting ended after a long discussion. Ms. Pixy straightaway drove to the last corner of the city. This area was marked by congestion, noise, overflowing drains, quarrels and brawls, shrieking children, wailing women and shouting men. There was a total chaos on the streets, in total contrast to the main city, the city administered by Ms. Pixy’s kind.
The city was neat and clean. It did not have any garbage dumps; it did not have potholes on roads. It did not have dark alleys and blind streets. It was not in a mess, whereas the portion of the city under their occupation represented a hell. Seeing Ms. Pixy in their locality the entire folk collected around her. She seemed to be quite popular in the area. Everybody wanted to talk to her and bring to her notice his or her grievance, the issues of subsidy on water, on power, on ration, and above all income generating jobs for every person in the family. Ms. Pixy listened to them with patience and assured them that she will take up all these issues with the chief.
The notables among the populace were eager to profess their loyalty and faith to the party in power in the city and place all their trust in the most capable and honest leadership. They were quick to announce that they were all very nice and law abiding citizens and were always against those who challenged the leadership in the city. The elders wanted the Government to come up with an economic package and increase subsidy.
Ms. Pixy assured them of sympathetic consideration of all issues brought to her notice. The congregation garlanded Ms. Pixy and took her round the locality in a huge procession. They raised slogans in support of the chief who ruled their city. The city, that belonged to them not in very distant past.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

A Dream

Yes it was a dream,or perhaps a dream within a dream.I woke up with a cold sweat.Dawn was breaking and first golden rays of sun were knocking at the window panes of my room.I could hear the chirping of birds nestled in the huge jamaun tree behind my house.The bells had begun to tinkle in the temple and the dvd had started playing the bhajan tuned to a popular film song of my childhood.Now back to my dream.I was in a huge sprawling complex ,it was a prison.No, I was not serving a prison sentence.Perhaps the jailor was some kind of a friend of mine.I gather ,he had made it possible for me to visit the prison on a special occasion.The special occasion was hanging of a prisoner.All elaborately timed protocol was being unfurled.I was showed the person who was being hanged.I wanted to talk to him but this was not possible ,i understood,though no one told me that.He was a well built man with broad shoulders and a big head.He wore a blank expression on his handsome face.There was no smile on his mustached lip.He was standing up with his arms hanging by his side.He had a crop of jet black hair which appeared freshly oiled.The scene shifted and my dream took me to a window, perhaps on the second or third floor.I stood there looking out in to the huge expanse of ground with many trees in the background.The foreground was a burial ground ,with many granite tablets popping up above the surrounding ground.I could even read some inscriptions on these stones.There in the midst of this burial ground were men with hunched backs and shovels in hands digging a grave.
I watched the digging.Shovel by shovel they were removing the loosened earth and making a heap on a side.The hole was becoming wider and deeper with each sweep of the shovel.Then my eyes saw a heap of bones wrapped in dry bark getting exposed as the digging progressed.The digger lifted the bundle wrapped in the bark and put it to a side.He resumed his digging un perturbed.
I understood .
The old was to give way to the fresh occupent.

Tuesday, February 07, 2012


aap ke dar per nahin aayen to jayenge kahan
ya Muhammad aap jaisa koi payenge kahan
zulm ki aandhi chali hai char janib se hazoor
yeh guzarti hai jo hum pe woh sunayenge kahan
ashk aankhon main ubalte jarahe hain raat din
aap ke dar per na pohnche hum bahayenge kahan
zakhm kitne jane seene main lage hain ya nabi
aap dekhenge nahi to hum dikhayenge kahan
aap ke han aayen kaise sharm aati hai hamen
aib itne hain jo hum main woh chhupayenge kahan


aap ke dar per nahin aayen to jayenge kahan
ya Muhammad aap jaisa koi payenge kahan
zulm ki aandhi chali hai char janib se hazoor
yeh guzarti hai jo hum pe woh sunayenge kahan
ashk aankhon main ubalte jarahe hain raat din
aap ke dar per na pohnche hum bahayenge kahan
zakhm kitne jane seene main lage hain ya nabi
aap dekhenge nahi to hum dikhayenge kahan
aap ke han aayen kaise sharm aati hai hamen
aib itne hain jo hum main woh chhupayenge kahan

Monday, January 30, 2012

I dont know
if this is fidelity
if this is faith
if this is love
but the fact is
year after year
in this month
at its end
few tiny bulges appear
on a weak slender stem
and that sets my heart racing
every morning
every evening
i watch it grow
till at last
there it is
the narcissus
in my lawn
away from that
fragrant verdant vale

Thursday, January 05, 2012

akh shar

wakh chhu razan tem dapan diutmut chhu az farman nov
yeth shaharas manz basawun chhum mae wen insaan nov