Monday, April 30, 2012

My Poems

my poems are not mine
they come to me from the void
i am a greedy old man

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Words won't listen

why do you descend upon me
in this dark and lonely night
when not a soul stirs
when not a leaf moves
when not a bird chirps
when not a bee hums
this oppressive silence
knots within my chest
and yet you choose to torment me
you with your tiny wings
flutter around my open eyes
you with your pointed beaks
scratch my scalp
you with your rounded limbs
nudge me on
words! tonight i cant write
why don't you ,once in a while
leave me alone.
but i know
words won't listen
(ayaz rasool nazki)

Friday, April 27, 2012

Flood Gates

Flood gates
there was a whiff
a sigh or a whisper,
there was something
in the evening air,
 that hit me hard
and knocked my senses out,
i had over the eons
believed that it was over,
it was pass and it was gone,
the nagging pain in my heart
the aching in my chest
it was gone.
life had moved on
the birds had taken to flight
and gone over the firmament
in to un known lands
seeds had been sown over and over again,
crops had ripened and come under the sickle
again and again
seasons had come in a long chain
of light and shade ,of heat and cold.
I had settled to my chores
i had adjusted to my life
all had finally turned out well
but the wind that blew a million times
blew a different shade today,
the light that shone a thousand days
sparkled a different ray today,
some where deep in the bossom
a lock was unlocked
and the doors were flung open
the flood gates came crashing
sinking my last of the boats
and tossing me away
in to the tempest
away from shores.
(ayaz rasool nazki)
(with a Van Gogh  painting courtesy manshoor)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

River of Silence

Come and sit beside me
on the cushion of soft sand
on the bank of this river,
the river of silence
the invisible tides
are fuming and fretting
with rage
tossing their heads on rocks
and crushing the hapless fish
between the rolling stones
i can see this all
within the confines of solitude
come and share all my dreams
all my visions
in the dark
light is my friend
absence of darkness
and voices ,
are a digression
in silence;
pebbles thrown by a
naughty child
on the placid water's face,
ripples do not last that long
ripples are not there to stay
with each succeeding ripple
its strength wanes
till it finally dies down
and the calm is restored
(ayaz rasool nazki)                              (@manshoor)

Me......a short poem kashmiri

بہ---اکھ لوکٹ نظم
کینژھا کژھیم آبس آب
کینژھا گژھیم واوس واو
کینژھا گژھیم خاکس خاک
پتھ کیا روزِ تہِ زانہ دے
پتھ کیا روزِ تی چُھنہ پے
دہہ رینگا اکھ کھسہِ ہیور کن
ُسہ ِتہ گژھِ آخر شنیا بُزئ
 زیرِس پیٹھ کنہِ کُن زون ژونگ
کمرس منز باگ پراران کس
تیلہ جویا یُس تراویس نوئ
سویتھ یُس زن کھالیس ہیور
بییہ یُس ہاویس دزونئ تُج

Me.....a short poem
some  water will mingle with water
some  air will disperse with the air
and some as soil will mix with soi:
what is left only God knows
what is left is un known,
a whiff of smoke will rise up
that too will be lost in space,
an earthen lamp on the stand all alone
in the middle of room awaits
someone who will
feed it oil afresh,
spruce up its worn out wick
and show it a lighted matchstick.
(translation from kashmiri: ayaz rasool nazki)