Wednesday, April 25, 2012

River of Silence

Come and sit beside me
on the cushion of soft sand
on the bank of this river,
the river of silence
the invisible tides
are fuming and fretting
with rage
tossing their heads on rocks
and crushing the hapless fish
between the rolling stones
i can see this all
within the confines of solitude
come and share all my dreams
all my visions
in the dark
light is my friend
absence of darkness
and voices ,
are a digression
in silence;
pebbles thrown by a
naughty child
on the placid water's face,
ripples do not last that long
ripples are not there to stay
with each succeeding ripple
its strength wanes
till it finally dies down
and the calm is restored
(ayaz rasool nazki)                              (@manshoor)

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