Monday, December 26, 2011


he seemed to me
a simple man
obedient to the will of God
with a long beard and
sporting a skull cap
at peace with the world

i saw him numbling
a string of beads
an offering to his God
i saw him kneel in prayer
five times a day

i talked to him of life
he talked to me of death
of all his acquaintances
whom he had met
at the hospital in Mumbai
five years ago and how
only his wife survived
the onslaught of cancer
and how all this was by
the grace of God that
fifth year in a row
her tests were good.

we said good bye
at Bandra terminus
be it then that sixth year
and seventh and on and on
his wife lives and his faith
outlives him and his God
and his mercy outlives all.

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