Finally we have a home in our home.We have been away for ages but now with my calling it a day on the job front coming back became a reality.The new nest is nestled among lofty mountains and borders a sweet stream ,trees surround and birds of all hues and colours dance around.
Abir Bashir Bazaz
Ayaz Rasool Nazki on Halldor Laxness, the winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1955, and the author of The Great Weaver from Kashmir, a novel which has been on my wishlist for some time. Nazki Sahib risks an interpretation towards the end of his note which may or may not be accurate but seems consistent not only with the novel's huge themes but also with the possible meanings of Kashmir…for who else could be The Great Weaver from Kashmir? And the great weaver of Kashmir. Thanks Nazki Sahib for connecting Nund Rishi to “the idea we know as Kashmir”…even as the great Alamdar’s thinking calls the country from which it has been in exile...and in exile for a long, long time.
the comment by Abir Bashir Bazaz is from FaceBook....
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